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A note on the dwarves of Anor . . .

Peter Fane

DURING THE GREAT War, the dwarves of Anor served the clashing armies of Bellános and Dorómy Dallanar with equal fervor. Strong and stalwart, Anorian troops formed the backbone of infantry and engineering corps that were loyal to both the "Silver Fox" and the "Iron Lion." By far one of the most famous Anorians to serve during this dark period was Master Bengamon Zar. A trusted confidant to both Dallanar brothers, Zar -- along with his clan and county -- ultimately took the side of Lord Bellános. Once made, that decision could not be undone. Even so, it was a choice that haunts Master Zar to this day. How do you choose between two leaders of equal strength and honor? How do you choose between two great monarchs who, above all else, love the Remain?

In the images below, you can see some sketches of Master Zar by Brian Jackson (1, 5-8, 10), Christopher Pariano (2, 9, 11), and Nataly Uildrim (3-4, 12-16). Chris's work shows Zar during his service in the Silver Legions when he was a young dwarf. Brian and Nataly show Zar much later, after he had taken up his post on Dávanor as the Master of Arms of House Dradón.


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